Han Kim KOR-7

About Han

Tongyeong is a city located in Korea's far south, surrounded by calm and beautiful sea.
Years ago, this is where I began windsurfing. Now I am based here.

Tongyeong city is like a wonderland - but a wonderland with light winds! Marginal breezes mean that the the most used board is a 380cm raceboard.

For light wind, we need a soft and light sail that pumps well. But when the wind does come up, it needs some stiffness too. The best allround sail to meet these requirements is the Loftsails Raceboard LW.

Name :
Country :
Sail n° :
Age :
Height :
Weight :
Home spot:
Favorite spot:

Disciplines :
Han Kim
South Korea
69 kg

Why ride Loftsails gear?

When all is considered, Loftsails are the best available: performance, feel, build quality, price, physical weight...

Loftsails is really the only major brand investing in R&D for the raceboard market. This fact alone makes Loftsails our friend.

The Gear of Han Kim

Raceboardblade LW II
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The Gear of Han Kim

Skyscape Foil/Fin
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